Zero Tolerance to Drunk Driving
Numbers of DUI Cases Turned in to the Police and Road Accident Casualties

The number of cases of cited for traffic violations

The number of cases of taken to court
The main causes of the first party in causing the accident
[Note 1]
Any drunk driver with a BAC of over 0.15mg/L
[Note 2]
[Note 1]
According to article 114 of Regulations Governing Road Traffic Safety, a drunk driving accident refers to the injuries or deaths (including the driver, passengers, or pedestrians involved in the accident) caused by any drivers’ (including cars, motorcycles, motive vehicles, and slow moving vehicles) BAC level being over 0.15mg/L.
[Note 2]
Number of deaths from drunk driving accidents refers to the number of people who died on the spot or within 30 days caused by a drunk driving accident.
The statistics on the traffic accidents of drunk driving are released on the 25th of the following month. The files of traffic accidents from the Police Department and the statistics on causes of death from the Welfare Department may be revised. Therefore, the data in the past one year may be revised.
For more information, please visit Statistics of The Ministry of Transportation and Communications.。